Monday, April 12, 2010

Why Hera?

What's the Hera thing?
Back in my college days, my friends and I were chatting one night. We were a bit geeky so we chose the names of Greek gods and goddesses for ourselves. I chose Hera. Now how did this sadly sober moment of geekdom continue more than a decade later? Well, I still have an email address with "Hera" in it. So, that has kept in my mind all of these years. Plus, it's the only name I can think of when I need a handle for forums, etc. And, today when I decided to create a blog, herasrealm was available. I do think of "Hera" as a more lively version of myself. And, since I am putting myself out there into the blogosphere, I might as well bring "Hera" with me.

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